Flu season is approaching and there are plenty of things you can do to prevent yourself from getting sick, but let’s talk about nutrition. Here are some foods packed with vitamins and antioxidants to keep you feeling your best this flu season. 

Foods rich in Vitamin C

This category contains a wide range of foods containing Vitamin C, which is believed to aid in the production of white blood cells. Citrus foods such as grapefruit, oranges, lemons and limes are all great options. Want an option with less sugar? Try red bell peppers! They contain even more Vitamin C than citrus. 

Foods rich in Vitamin E

Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and helps attack free radicals and toxins in the body. Vitamin E is generally found in nuts, seeds, and plants. Try spinach, sunflower seeds, almonds, pumpkin, avocados, mangos and kiwi. Just a handful of almonds alone contains almost all of the Vitamin E you need on a daily basis. 

High Fiber Foods 

Fiber supports the digestive tract and helps balance the bacteria in your gut. Believe it or not, gut health plays a major role in your immune system! Broccoli contains a high amount of fiber, and is best eaten raw (or steamed, if you can’t bring yourself to eat raw broccoli.) Other options include dried fruits, berries, lentils, apples, and whole grains.

Foods rich in other Antioxidants 

While Vitamins C and E are considered antioxidants, there are plenty of other options as well. Flavonoids are known to specifically support the respiratory system, and can be found in foods such as blueberries, cherries, and onions. Another antioxidant is beta carotene, which also boosts your skin health. Beta carotene can be found in sweet potatoes, carrots, and other leafy green vegetables. 

Garlic and Ginger 

Garlic and Ginger have both been used for hundreds of years in boosting immunity and fighting inflammation. Garlic contains sulfur compounds, while ginger contains an antioxidant called gingerol. 

In conclusion, there’s a wide variety of foods you can incorporate into your diet to boost your immune system. Take care of yourself and your family this Flu season by adding a couple of these items to your grocery list!