We all know that regular exercise is crucial for our physical and mental health, but it can be challenging to find time for it amidst the demands of work, family, and other commitments. However, with some resourcefulness and planning, it is possible to make time for exercising. Here are some tips to help you incorporate exercise into your busy schedule:

Schedule your workouts: Just like you would schedule a meeting or appointment, take the time to schedule your workouts into your calendar. Hold yourself accountable for this time and prioritize it like any other important commitment in your life.

Wake up early: waking up early and going for a run or working out at home is a great way to jumpstart your day and ensure you have time for exercise.

Exercise during your lunch breaks: Make use of your work breaks and go for a walk, do yoga, or exercise at a gym close to your workplace. 

Make it a family affair: Exercising with your family is a great way to bond and spend quality time together. Plan a family bike ride or hike on the weekends.

Try different workouts: Switching up your exercise routine can keep things exciting and help you adhere to it in the long run. Try out different exercises, classes or videos to avoid boredom. 

Use technology: Fitness apps and online programs can be an excellent way to make time for exercise. With accessible and convenient workouts, including a diverse mix of activities, you can maintain a healthy lifestyle from the comfort of your home. We offer online programming for customized workouts, which you can find here.

Turn off the distractions: Social media, email notifications, and other distractions can consume a lot of our time. Reduce the amount of time spent on them and allocate that time to physical activity.

Some workout is better than none! Change up your mindset from thinking you have to have a full hour to get in a good workout. It is possible to get a good workout  even if you only have 12 mins – it just has to be the right intensity to elicit the beneficial effects.

In summary, making time for exercise can be challenging, but not impossible. With careful planning, prioritizing your schedule, and incorporating technology, you can always find a way to stay active, healthy and productive. If you need help getting started, contact us here or download our app here