Serotonin Boosting Exercises

Serotonin Boosting Exercises

If you find yourself experiencing the holiday blues, you might need a serotonin boost. Serotonin plays a role in digestion, sexual health, sleep, and of course, your mood! There are many natural ways to boost your serotonin levels, but one of the best ways is by...
Boosting the Immune System with Food

Boosting the Immune System with Food

Flu season is approaching and there are plenty of things you can do to prevent yourself from getting sick, but let’s talk about nutrition. Here are some foods packed with vitamins and antioxidants to keep you feeling your best this flu season.  Foods rich in Vitamin C...
Healthy Thanksgiving Options

Healthy Thanksgiving Options

Thanksgiving is around the corner, which means it’s time to start food prepping! It can be easy to get stuck preparing the same go-to classics every year, but if you’re looking for some new recipes to try, you’re in the right place! We’ve combined a few fun, easy, and...
New Apparel Items

New Apparel Items

​ReBalance now has new clothing products in stock at the studio. We have items ranging from hoodies to tank tops! We wanted to provide our clients with attractive and comfortable fitness wear. When you represent reBalance, you are representing your own results that...
Eat Gangster

Eat Gangster

​ReBalance has carried the cookie and cake mixes from Eat Gangster for quite some time now and we absolutely love the delectable flavors from these mixes. Turning down sweets can be a difficult task to accomplish but luckily you don’t have to with Eat Gangster. Their...